
Small script I wrote that does some rudimentary checks to see if an element is visible in the current view (viewport) of...
Something I stumbled across when I wanted to hook into all my custom $.event.trigger(); jQuery events, to see what was...
I was building a graph with Flot.js and wanted to display descriptive labels, placed above some vertical lines inside...
tl;dr? Click here. Momentum – or inertial – based scrolling is one of the fairly ‘new’ phenomena...
Once again, a generator. Based on an idea that was lying around for ages: a generator that generates random Stig facts...
For a thing I’m working on, I needed a ‘debounced‘ resize event, as the $(window).resize event keeps...
Sinds de lancering van Voetbalcliche.nl en opdekant.nl, waar respectievelijk de wereld van het voetbal- en...
Links with mouseover (or hover) styles on touch devices are a bit of a dilemma. In short: they don’t really exist...
As I am still developing webapps for iOS, I keep coming across problems needing a fix. As webapps are still quite...
Right, time for a slightly more nerdy post. As I was looking for a simple way to make my jQTouch webapp iPad ready...